Renowned Canadian vocalist Celine Dion is contending with Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS), facing a loss of muscle control, as reported by DAILY POST. Dion disclosed her diagnosis with the incurable condition in December 2022, which leads to uncontrollable muscle tension.
During an interview in August 2023 with Le Journal de Montreal, Claudette Dion, Celine’s elder sister, mentioned the struggle to find effective medication for combating SPS.
In a recent update provided by her 75-year-old sister Claudette to 7 Jours via Daily Mail, it was revealed that Celine’s muscle control has further deteriorated.
“Despite her efforts, she has lost control over her muscles. It’s particularly disheartening because discipline has always been a strong suit for her. The lack of awareness about this illness has led some to lose hope,” Claudette remarked.