Tolanibaj, a former participant of the Big Brother Naija reality show and a disc jockey, recently shared her perspective on infidelity and relationships during the inaugural episode of the Bahd And Boujee Podcast, which she co-hosts with actress Moet Abebe.
Tolanibaj expressed her strong stance on the matter, asserting that if her partner were to cheat on her, she would seek revenge regardless of her feelings for them.
She also emphasized that she would consider ending the relationship if the unfaithful partner did not contribute positively to her life.
However, if the partner was supportive and empowering, she might be more inclined to tolerate the toxicity of a cheating situation.
In her own words, Tolanibaj stated, “If you cheat on me, I will cheat on you back no matter how much I love you. Oh God! I will not go through your phone… Maybe at the beginning, I will warn you. When I warn guys, it might come off as a threat, but I’m really keeping it 100. It may not be a good way of living. It may be very toxic, but it works for me. If you’re empowering me and you are useful, and you cheat on me, no problem. Just continue playing your role – empowering me. But if you cheat on me and you are not adding value to me, what am I still doing there? Do you get it? That’s how I see it. I would prefer to cry in a Lamborghini than in a keke [tricycle].”