Emeka Ike, a veteran Nollywood actor, recently opened up about the hardships he faced due to allegations made by his estranged wife, Suzanne Emma. He revealed that her accusations of assault led to him losing properties and access to his children.
In 2017, a Lagos Island Customary Court dissolved Ike’s 14-year marriage with Emma due to frequent battery allegations. The marriage produced four children.
During an appearance on the Channels Television program “Rubbin’ Minds” hosted by Hero Daniels, Ike explained that he refrained from clarifying the domestic violence accusations on social media because of the bullying he faced online.
The actor disclosed that the allegations resulted in significant losses, including the closure of his secondary school, St. Nicholas College, and an investment worth over N480 million. Despite denying the accusations of assault, he discovered that his ex-wife was behind the orchestrated claims.
Ike recounted sponsoring his ex-wife’s higher education but later realized that the affection was not reciprocated. Despite pleas from himself and family members, his ex-wife remained adamant about the divorce, even requesting the judge to grant her separation in court.
He expressed his belief that his ex-wife might have been coerced or blackmailed by some individuals into divorcing him, leading to the dissolution of their marriage.